
How to Give Access to Your Facebook Page to an Agency

Congratulations on your newly hired agency, but do you know how to give access to your Facebook page to the agency?

We aim to guide you through assigning Facebook duties, social media lead generation, and providing the necessary page administrator tips. This guide contains all you need to take your next ad campaign to the max.

Content outline:

  • What are the different types of Facebook roles and their respective functions?

  • How to provide access to Facebook roles

  • How to provide access to Facebook ads manager

  • Commonly asked questions

What are the types of Facebook page roles and their respective functions

There are basically six types of Facebook roles. And you ought to get familiar with their meaning and functions before assigning each role to different individuals or agencies. The six-page roles are listed below;


When you create a page, you automatically become the admin. The admin is the highest Facebook page role. As an admin, you can assign others’ roles and change their duties.

Though other roles have their own specific functions, the admin can function in all page roles. Having access to all roles is important because of the diverse nature of the administrative role.

Functions of Facebook admin

  • Assign page roles

  • Manage Page settings

  • Supervise the page and attach apps.

  • Create new posts and delete old ones.

  • Communicate with the page users as the Page.

  • Deny rule-breakers access and ban the unrepentant ones.

  • Initiate ad campaigns and promotions.

  • Monitor insights and page quality tab.

  • Gets notified when an agent publishes as the page.

  • Broadcast and manage jobs.

Want to become a Facebook page admin? Take your shot.


After the admin, the editor is the second in command. The editor is the employee who creates, proofreading, and approves page content. Apart from the admin, the editor can also Supervise day-to-day activities.

Functions of a Facebook page editor

The editor does everything a page administrator does except — assign roles and page settings.


The moderator regulates the page activity, especially commenting and posting. Employees who are good with customer relationship is perfect for this role. Though the moderator role is not meant to create content, they must know what’s ethical or not.

Functions of a Facebook page moderator

  • Contact page users as the Page

  • Moderate comments and posts

  • Regulate who has access to the page

  • Initiate ads and boosted content

  • Check insights and page quality tabs

  • Gets notified when someone publishes as the page


This is the main slot for the ad agency you hire. An advertiser sets up ad campaigns and promotions for your page.

Functions of a page advertiser

  • Supervises ads, promotions, and campaigns

  • Parameters of Facebook posts

  • Target Audience guides

  • Create custom types of content

  • View insights and Page Quality tab

  • Gets notified when anyone publishes as the Page


An employee who works with content strategy and planning might be given the analyst role.

Functions of an analyst

The analyst can do everything an advertiser can do except promotions and ad campaigns.

Jobs manager

The sole responsibility of a jobs manager is to publish and Supervise jobs. There could be extra tasks, including interviewing selected candidates and screening proposals.

Functions of a jobs manager

The jobs manager can do everything an analyst can do, including publishing and managing jobs.

Can’t find page roles on Facebook? Here’s the solution.

How to provide access to Facebook page roles

We assume everyone reading this guide has a business manager account with Facebook. If you don’t have one, click here to open a business manager account.

The steps below would guide you when providing access to page roles.

  1.  Visit and log in to your business manager page.

  2. Click Settings at the top right corner of your screen to access Facebook Business settings

  3. Scroll through the menu icons, and your settings menu would pop up. Then, click add accounts to assign a role to an employee or partner.

  4. Choose the account you want to access and click “assign partner” in the top right corner of the page. Select a new panel where you can include the person’s information would pop up. Enter the person’s information and select the person’s role.

  5. When you’ve selected the employee’s role, you’ll be given a link you can share with them.

  6. There’s another way you could assign an employee’s role. Click on the words in blue “Connect your business account using your partner’s business ID instead.”.

Then, you’ll see a popup requesting your agency’s ID. Ask your agency for the right ID, and they’ll provide it. Type in your agency’s ID number and tap connect. Your agency would be notified that they’ve been given access to your account.

Download the Facebook manager app and start appointing facebook page roles

How to provide access to the Facebook business page

Aside from assigning roles, you’ll need to provide access to your page to your agency before they can manage your page or boost the page content. Follow these steps to do so.

  1. Login into your business manager page

  2. Click settings

  3. Scroll through the icons on the left to gain access to the full settings menu

  4. Tap pages

  5. Tap assign partner, in the top right corner

  6. A new panel would pop up. Insert the agency’s information. Then, follow step 5A or 5B, as directed to provide access to your Facebook page roles. And you and your agency would be notified that they’ve been permitted to manage your page.


Yes, you can. In fact, you can add as many admins as you need. But be certain about this because, as shown in our guide — How to give access to your Facebook page to an agency — admin is the highest page role.

Tap Settings at the top of the page. Search for page roles in the left column and click. You’ll see Edit next to the name of the employee whose role you want to reassign. Then, choose a new role from the dropdown menu.

Final Thoughts

We’ve provided you with some helpful tips on how to provide access, set Facebook page duties, and give your Facebook page administrator the best advice. Now that you’re armed with these secrets, go forth and conquer!

If this article has been informative or useful for you in any way, be sure to follow us on our homepage so we can keep providing quality blog posts like this one. And don’t forget – if there’s anything else about Facebook marketing assistance we can do for you, just let us know by contacting us today!

Anthony Tareh


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